Mindfulness in a Sunset

Sunsets = Mother’s Nature’s message to you to slow down, and be in awe of her colorful masterpiece in the sky. She is asking, and on some nights outright demanding you stop, breath, and just take it all in. Be in the moment (because the sunset does NOT last long)— let all thoughts, to-do lists, worries, and everything else fall to the wayside. Just observe the colors and beauty because sunsets do not have a pause button or a “wait till I finish the dishes” button. They are asking you to be here, now.

Coincidently, sunsets occur during the most trying time of our day with children (or is it just me 🤷🏼‍♀️)… they have even termed this time of day as “the witching hour”. Kids get a second wind, suddenly bouncing off the walls, or they are hungry and tired… but dinner is over and it’s not yet bedtime.

Try this practice next time the sun sets. Stop what you are doing, immediately because those beautiful colors in the sky wait for no one! Call the family to the window or backyard. Have them observe the amazing display of colors and shadows. Take turns describing what you see, as it will continue to change as you watch. This is a great time to talk about one beautiful thing that happened to you today, practicing your gratitude. My kiddos and I like to observe the sunset while thanking Mr. Sun and telling him goodnight 💤

You could also use the sunset as a moment of quiet reflection, giving thanks for the day and the moment quietly to yourself.

If your family does anything special during the evening share below. If you want to try a mindful sit, to tap into your five senses click on the RESOURCES tab up above and grab the free meditation!


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