Programs & Offerings


Yoga and Mindfulness in School

Kids Mindfulness and Yoga School Program

  • Evidence-based yoga and mindfulness curriculum taught by certified instructors

  • The tools of mindfulness help students develop strong inner resources, build self-awareness, compassion for others and harness their personal power, so they can thrive in a wide variety of circumstances

  • Classes are founded on brain-based learning and cultivating Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills

  • Classes meet National P.E. and Health Standards and are approved by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning


The PEACE School Project

Professional Development and Consulting Services

  • Completely customized to your student and staff’s current needs

  • Supports the adults on staff by nurturing their SEL skills as well

  • Presented through professional development, small group workshops, one-on-one coaching

  • Team-Building and Self-Care workshops for staff to prevent burn-out

  • Guidance in creating an SEL team on staff and coaching your school through an action plan

  • Create Present, Empowered, Adaptable, and Confident Educators!


Yoga and Mindfulness in the Community

Classes and Workshops Available

  • Private or Group Kids Yoga and Mindfulness

  • Adult Mindfulness and Yoga

  • Mindful Parenting Sessions

  • Private or Group Restorative Yoga

  • Mindful Communication for the Hospitality Industry

Want to learn how our programs can work for your classroom or community?